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Listed Global Media and Publishing Company

Listed Global Media and Publishing Company
Client Listed Global Media and Publishing Company
Region UK
Sector Media, Entertainment and Technology
Offering Organisation Design, Sustainable Cost Optimisation
Organisation design

The Challenge

The client wanted to understand how their three major global business compared against one another and whether there were any opportunities to drive efficiency gains and cost reduction. These organisations are fundamentally different in terms of their revenue and cost mix, product range, customer base, structure and financial reporting requirements – thus making a true like-for-like comparison no easy feat.

Our Approach

We conducted an eight week review at an organisational and functional level. The Q5 team was split between the three locations; New York, London and Sydney, where we embedded with the local team. The project centred on three main stages:

  • Data gathering: One week intensive workshops held in London, then Sydney, then New York. These workshops established an understanding of each organisations operating model, formulated the most suitable metrics and ratios for which to measure and the functionality required to build a customised and re-usable model.
  • Build a customised Functional Comparison Model: Create true like-for-like comparison between the three organisations complex and often disparate functions.
  • Present insight & observations: Full report including summary of key observations at the group, organisational and functional level.

Key Outcomes

  • £80m of indicative savings found.
  • Q5 provided the client with the ability to compare their major functions and layers of activity, like-for-like, across the three organisations.
  • Presented a summary of key observations, those with the potential to significantly improve business functions.
  • Delivered a customised and reusable financial model that can be used to test budget scenarios.

What our clients say about us

“Q5 is a refreshing change compared with traditional consultancies. They are easy to work with, highly capable and deliver on their promise. This is why Q5 remains a strategic partner of ours to this day.”

Chief Financial Officer
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